just walk by

2:32 AM / Posted by VenissaKawaii /

YO ! what's up y'all ! so anything happened lately ? well you can tell me though :D I'm here to listen to you ^_^ no worry I won't bite ! well I feel much more better lately no offense xD I get a rest in Saturday and Sunday aand now everything is better xD

I guess I just can communicate with my friend :D I'm glad I have friend xD okok I don't know what to say xD but one thing for sure I love blogger very much I can type anything I want and no one saw it xD well my real life friend I mean xD maybe only one will saw it but the others won't xDI think he know that I'm talking about him xD LOL !

well, I think Japan lately is fine :D( that's what I think !) GAMABTEH JAPAN !!!

today when I chat with my friend she told me about her sis is signing up for university xD I get excited and ask :D and guess what ? University have SOOOOOOOO MANY CLUB !!! AHHHH!!!! Imma glad :D so I can get a chance to enjoy it xD if I can choose I wanna join the music club but I don't know how to play intrusment T^T oh and of course JAPANESE SOCIETY !!!!! EKKK!!! I should have be fun xD haha ! I wish I can join University now x3
haha I am stupid xD yes I am xD LOL !!!!! xD

so that's it for now ! I waste my 10 minute of history project to type this xD if my mum know this I'm going t get kill !!! TATA !

sorry for my bad English xD gomen !

lots of love~ me <3


Comment by PeachysGotIt24 on April 4, 2011 at 1:30 PM

Good Luck VenissaKawaii! :D Glad that you're happy. :)

Kawaii as a Divina on April 4, 2011 at 4:46 PM

You are so funny Venissa. XD

Comment by VenissaKawaii on April 9, 2011 at 12:11 AM

@kica - arigato xD
@kawaii as Diva ( I like to call you that) - lol xD really ? am I O>_<O

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